

Additional Information on the Theory of Multiple Intelligences

For a more thorough list of MI books, articles, and other scholarly publications refer to the Appendices in Intelligence Reframed and Multiple Intelligences: New Horizons.



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30th anniversary introduction to frames of mind

In the years since I published Frames of Mind, I have often been asked how I first got the idea of—or—for the theory of multiple intelligences. Probably the most truthful answer is “I don’t know”. However, such an answer satisfies neither the questioner nor, to be frank, me. With the benefit of hindsight, I would mention several factors, some more remote, some directly feeding into my discoveries…


Intelligence Reframed: Multiple Intelligences for the 21st Century

In "Intelligence Reframed," Gardner provides a report on multiple intelligences theory, its evolution and revisions. He offers practical guidance on the educational uses of the theory and responds to the critiques leveled against him. He also introduces two new intelligences (existential intelligence and naturalist intelligence) and argues that the concept of intelligence should be broadened, but not so absurdly that it includes every human virtue and value. Ultimately, argues Gardner, possessing a basic set of seven or eight intelligences is not only a unique trademark of the human species, but also perhaps even a working definition of the species. Gardner also offers provocative ideas about creativity, leadership, and moral excellence, and speculates about the relationship between multiple intelligences and the world of work in the future.


Multiple intelligences around the world by Jie-qi chen

Multiple Intelligences Around the World's cross-cultural discussions provide a valuable resource for teachers and administrators who are working with diverse student populations. In addition, the experiences of exam-driven countries like China and Japan will prove instructive to professionals faced with the task of improving both teaching and test scores.

This important book addresses a number of key questions including: How have different educational settings implemented MI? How does an educational idea created in one cultural milieu travel and take root in highly diverse educational soils? And, what universal lessons can be drawn from these experiences? 

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“In a nutshell” - Multiple Intelligences: New Horizons

  • What Constitutes an Intelligence?

  • The Original Set of Intelligences

  • Newly Identified Intelligences

  • The Unique Contributions of the Theory



Multimedia and Multiple Intelligences


Technology and multiple intelligences


the theory of multiple intelligences


MI: As Psychology, As Education, As Social Science




Howard Gardner explains Multiple Intelligences theory on


Howard Gardner talks about Wit & Grit at the Harvard Graduate School of Education


Beyond Wit and Grit: Rethinking the Keys to Success | Howard Gardner | TEDxBeaconStreet



More on the work of Howard Gardner

Muliple intelligences newsletter BY ASCD MI NETWORK

Created and written by Thomas Hoerr

MI Research and Consulting, Inc.

Research on multiple intelligences theory by Branton Shearer


Journal on MI education produced by GT College, Hong Kong

The Good Project

Founded by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, William Damon, and Howard Gardner

The Real World of College

National study of higher education by Wendy Fischman and Howard Gardner

Harvard Project Zero

Understanding and enhancing learning, thinking, and creativity, in the arts and other disciplines