How Does Distance Learning Affect Education?

I recently received the following question about distance learning and MI theory.

I am a graduate student at the University of Hawaii at Manoa.
Since the pandemic has transformed many educational activities into distance learning, I am doing research about Multiple Intelligences (MI) in distance learning based on your MI theory. I have been wondering if distance learning would strengthen, weaken, or make a twist regarding MI. I am starting with musical and logical-mathematical intelligences.
Could you please offer some suggestions or related materials that I can use to guide my research?
Thank you

This is a good question. It's not really about MI per se, but rather about how distance learning affects education altogether. We are fortunate to live in a time when one can send all kinds of messages in various media over long distancesthis would not have been possible even thirty years ago. What we don’t know is how much of learning, particularly for young children, depends on a more personal contact with elders and with peers. I suspect that for many young children, it will be difficult to sit in front of a computer or tablet and focus for significant periods of time. This would not be very difficult for most doctoral students!

Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash